Ports and Marinas

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There are 4 main ports in Albania: Port of Durres, Port of Vlora, Port of Shëngjin, Port of Saranda: Arrival in the port of Saranda, Durres, Vlore, Shëngjin the following…

Albanian Gastronomy

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The unbeaten path of Albanian Gastronomy Fejsal Demiraj – Sous chef at Restaurant Noma, Co-Founder of RRNO Foundation Coming from a family who escaped Communist Albania, I always wondered what…

National Parks

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1. Butrint National Park This park is located about 25 kilometres south of the city of Saranda. It has high scientific, tourist, archaeological, social and recreational values, also combined with…

Ionian Coast

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The Albanian Riviera is characterized by a constellation of rocky and isolated beaches, surrounded by scenic hills and vertiginous mountains covered in lush and untamed vegetation that is typical of…